SEO Starter Guide: an Introduction to SEO Basics 0
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SEO Starter Guide: an Introduction to SEO Basics

May 5, 2022

Search Engine Optimization (also known as SEO) is a technique in digital marketing that is proved to be one of the most effective methods for website optimization and higher search results ranking. Even though it is not too complicated, it still requires great understanding to be performed successfully.

So, SEO experts from the IntlTech team decided to prepare this article with all key information vital for an amateur in search engine optimization. Read and learn with us, and, of course, do not hesitate to contact the customer support team if any questions about SEO for your business occur after the blog post. We will gladly help you to understand the topic better.

Note: In case you are interested in boosting a website for your business, we are ready to perform an audit and provide all info on what steps are needed to reach set goals and increase conversions. 

The Definition of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As we’ve already mentioned, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Its main task is to optimize the website and move it higher and higher in the organic search results. In this way, the amount of organic traffic will rise as well (and this source of new potential leads is free, so there is a chance to save some money).

Internet users mostly use search engines to find information, so your main task should be to provide them with the answer. It doesn’t matter what sphere did you choose for your work, starting from a blog about plants to the shoes online store. You have to give people the solution to what they are searching for. And being present on the first search result page is already your halfway to success (most individuals don’t go further than the second page in Google). Who knows, maybe your services or catchy design will interest the user and convert them into a client?

Young specialists often confuse PPC optimization and SEO, so we’d like to clear one thing out – these two techniques are not the same even though they have the same goal. 

Basic Terms for Newcomers in SEO

After you start working with SEO for the first time, you may run into some common terms that relate to different aspects of this digital marketing strategy. Nothing bad will happen if you confuse those, but still, it is good to at least know their meaning.

On-Page and Off-Page SEO

The main dissimilarity between these two terms is whether you perform them off or on the website.

On-page SEO, as you may guess, includes all processes for ranking improvement that can be performed on the website. We are talking about keyword research, title tags and content optimization, internal links placing, page performance boost, and so on.

Off-page, on the other hand, is mostly about reputation improvement to show major search engines that your website is a reliable source. Mainly, it can be done with the help of getting quality backlinks, and for link building; the following methods are preferred: guest posting, broken link building, outreach via email.

Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEO

These two terms are used to characterize methods that follow the rules and those that can be considered unethical.

Black hat SEO is typically associated with spammy practices that may boost the website’s ranking. We are talking about such techniques as link manipulation, hidden text, irrelevant backlinks, etc. Even though they can demonstrate the result in a short time, search engines typically penalize and ban the site for using these methods.

White hat SEO needs some time to demonstrate the results; however, because these techniques are allowed and confirmed by crawling bots, no problems will occur in the future. So, feel free to try content quality improvement, user-friendly design, and website structure, etc., to provide potential leads with the best user experience out there.

Title Tag and Meta Description

These two things are the first ones a user sees when looking through the Google results page. That’s why it is vital to use relevant keywords and give a short and understandable explanation of what information can be found on the web pages of your site after following the link. The user typically chooses the most comfortable option, so try to give it to them.

Headings and Body Text

The information people may find on your web pages should be well-structured and include relevant content. Heading and subheadings are a great way to guide people through the text and help find all information they have been looking for. And try not to overspam with keywords; even though they may seem to be effective for a better ranking, search engines understand their incorrect usage, and it can be harmful to a website’s future success.

Search Engines Working Principle

Search engines work consists of three main steps that can lead to set goals and desired results of the website owner. We are talking about crawling, indexing, and picking the results. What are those, and how do they work? Let’s discuss below:

  • Crawling. The process of careful scanning of web pages. Special bots (also known as crawlers) are small pieces of programs that check everything about new pages or updates of already existing ones;
  • Indexing. After the crawling process is finished, all data is analyzed with the help of special search engine tools. All pages should be categorized and stored in the index afterward, so it is possible to find the site according to users’ search queries;
  • Picking the results. Basically, the final step is the presence of the web page on a search engines results page. After everything mentioned above is done, a user will be able to see your site along with other websites out there.

What Aspects Matter in Google Algorithm

Search engine algorithms are special technologies and machine learning systems used for websites’ ranking. In order to demonstrate the most precise and relevant results, various factors should be considered, namely:

  • Query’s meaning. It is important for search engines to understand what user needs in order to provide exactly what they are looking for;
  • Page relevance. Search result pages will only give the most relevant results based on the target keyword;
  • Content quality. SEO efforts will be wasted if the content is of poor quality because a search engine always picks only the best options for users;
  • Webpage usability. Safety, readability, and other factors are always considered for general SEO success;
  • Context and settings. User’s location, search history, settings, etc., are included in search engine rankings as well.

Mind that these algorithms are constantly changing, so it is important to follow all the latest updates to save your spot on the first results page. If you are among those site owners who are not sure how to do it on your own, don’t worry! There are plenty of digital marketing agencies out there who know exactly what should be done to boost your company’s website (IntlTech is a great example).

High-Quality Content and Other Ranking Factors That Matter

Most algorithms for the exact calculations search engines use are secret and not available for every user on the Internet. It is impossible to find this information easily; however, a significant part of it is well-known and can be used for the website’s profit.

Important note: Try not to concentrate on perfecting all areas; analyze and decide which ones will be the most beneficial precisely for your business. 

  • Easy-to-crawl website. It will sound pretty standard, but for better ranking, you will need to make the site easy to find by search engines;
  • Thought-through content for a target audience. Think about what your potential leads typically search for on the Internet and create content that can fulfill their needs completely;
  • Content adapted for users’ needs. Not only are keywords rankings important for a page’s success, but also the type of content you publish. If the info on the page is related to the user’s search query – Google will more likely place it on the top;
  • The uniqueness of the content. If you use duplicate content on the website’s pages, Google won’t rank it high. Try to work on special content developed exclusively for the company;
  • Don’t forget about updates. Fresh content is a key to the site’s success. Nobody wants to see old and irrelevant information, most users look for up-to-date information online;
  • The number of links and their quality. If reliable and well-trusted sources link to your website, you will earn more authority in the eyes of search engines;
  • Expertise, authority, and trust. Build up your reputation and knowledge, prove its trustworthiness, and make sure you are qualified in topics you are writing about while creating content. People expect to see detailed, helpful information on the top of Google’s result page, so search engines will include that while crawling;
  • Click-through rate. Title tags and meta descriptions should be optimized to improve pages’ CTR;
  • Website speed. If visitors have to wait too long to load the webpage, it can negatively affect the website’s ranking. Moreover, most people usually don’t wait for everything to load and go search for other reliable, better-optimized sources;
  • Accelerated mobile pages. Or better optimization for various types of devices in general. Users choose different variations of electronic devices, and the website should function properly at any of those. Of course, it will take some extra time, but the desired place on the first search page of Google will be a great motivation and award at the end of the journey.

Sometimes, you can see some useful recommendations and pieces of advice in the Google search console. Pay attention to details and consult with a specialist if you doubt what methods will suit best for your company’s website. If everything is performed correctly, a great increase in search engine traffic will be noticed in some time.

Please remember: Search Engine Optimization is a technique that needs some time to demonstrate positive results, so be patient and wait for a few months before making any decisions about the success of this technique. 

To fully optimize your site, you also need to know about the use of keywords. Visit our article How Many Keywords Should I Use for SEO and you will understand many interesting and necessary things for your business.

The Bottom Line

SEO, if used correctly, is an effective technique wildly used in the digital marketing sphere. Without it, it is practically impossible to get to the first page of Google search. However, if all important aspects of the business are analyzed, proper strategy is developed, and correct methods of search engine optimization are picked, outstanding results will occur in a few months after the beginning.

Of course, if you are not ready to do everything on your own, you may always choose the help of digital marketing professionals. They will be able to boost your business without your unwanted worries and nervousness. Hopefully, our guide helped you take the first successful steps in SEO optimization for your website. Thank you for reading, and do not hesitate to get in touch if there are any questions about how to perform search engine optimization for your business. Our team will never leave you alone and will gladly work on all important processes with you. Good luck!


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