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Feedback Frenzy: 4 Key Ways to Encourage More Online Reviews

August 17, 2020

Reviews rule. More than eighty percent of online users check the reviews before making a decision and placing an order. So there is no wonder that most of the companies try to do the impossible to get more online reviews (preferably positive), and those who don’t, make a huge mistake. High-quality photos and detailed descriptions of the products and services the company offers are wonderful, but the experience of real people is always more valuable to the potential customers, and they tend to trust the reviews more than assurances even from the most popular brand. In this article, we will share four useful insights on how to encourage the audience to leave positive feedback about your company, service, and products you offer.

Consistent Social Media Communication 1. Consistent Social Media Communication

Why is social media so crucial for getting more reviews? The clue is evident. Unlike the website, it is a unique possibility to directly communicate and interact with the customers. In your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. accounts, people can text you, leave comments, communicate among themselves, complain or praise you, share their experiences, and so on. And here everything depends on your strategy. If you manage to build a strong connection with them, react promptly, be friendly, and helpful, there are enormous chances the person will be eager to leave a review and recommend your company as a reliable and customer-oriented partner. Wonder how to get feedback on your website? Encourage people to do so.

Except for sharing interesting news and useful information, make sure you reply to all comments, read and answer the private messages, listen to the clients, and what is even more important, react to their remarks. You may also have a separate rubric at your stories highlights or just for posts, where you share positive feedback from people.

2. Consider Google as a Yelp Alternative

We don’t have anything against it at all. The only thing this platform has got a lot of filters and other tricks which may complicate the process of leaving feedback. Sometimes, the user may spend twenty minutes about his great impressions from working with your business, and the system simply does not publish it. Unfortunately, these are not rare cases with this service. Who would like to spend another twenty minutes writing the same text twice? Such dedicated customers are too rare. So, if you want to get feedback on your website, do not rely on Yelp too much.

However, Google may become a wonderful alternative. First of all, it is a search engine with a billion audience. Second, the reviews are exposed directly when the user is surfing for something online. It is a great option, as the person sees a list of suitable businesses with the average rate and may read the reviews that can help him/her to make a choice.

3. Follow Up with Satisfied Clients

Follow Up With Satisfied Clients

A satisfied client is the best way to get user feedback on website. The only point is that people do not like to share their positive experiences as much as negative. It is a psychological thing to take the positive outcome as a regular one and the less successful as something out of the ordinary. But you can always remind them that you would highly appreciate it if they leave a few words about you and your company and write reviews on website. The manner how you do it is crucial at this point. Do not be too pushy as it may spoil the whole positive impression. Stay polite and professional. Perhaps, sending a business card, postcard or flyer would be a variant.

However, one of the most effective ways on how to get online reviews is by sending automatic email messages after every order from the website. The trick is to compose literate and professional text with required elements and links, short instructions on how and where to leave a review, so the receiver would not have to spend much time on the whole process. For this purpose, it would be a wise decision to apply for the help of a professional online marketing services company, which would elaborate a special template for your email messages and make the customers’ experience even more pleasant.

Incorporate a Page for Testimonials 4. Incorporate a Page for Testimonials

How to get feedback on website? Show the customers that you really care about their opinion. You can create a separate review page as a part of your website with a special form, where people can easily leave their feedback and learn about your company, services, and products. Instead of surfing the net and various platforms to find out about your business, the potential future customers may simply read the opinions of the people who already had some experience with you on your website. It will bring you more traffic first, and second, prove that your company has a transparent policy and values the audience’s opinion and satisfaction rather than their brand above everything. Why are online reviews important? They show the customers that their voice matters.

Final word

Positive reviews are the reason why all business owners work hard day and night. It is a reward that satisfied customers pay for excellent products and top-quality services. How many people trust a business more after reading positive online reviews? We cannot tell you precisely, but no one will deny they are crucial when making a decision to buy something or not.

These were the main tips we wanted to share, which we are sure would help you to get more positive reviews. For more detailed consultation, you may contact our team and get a free website audit.

Intltech, digital marketing company Toronto, with the professional SEO, marketing, design, and web development staff, who know what your business needs. Contact us right away at the phone number (800) 966-4164 or send us an email at

IntlTech – smart solutions for your business!


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