How to Write a Professional Email?How to Write a Professional Email 0
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How to Write a Professional Email?

April 7, 2022

In digital marketing, emails are very useful for connecting with current customers and professional leads to keep them updated about the most generous offers from your business. There are different goals and purposes for various letter types, but each one always demands a thought-through structure and strategy to demonstrate positive results.

Many newcomers are not aware that there are certain rules that cannot be ignored when writing a professional email to someone; however, by looking at it, it is possible to say whether a person who wrote it is an expert who knows what business etiquette is. That’s why we decided to prepare a little guide on how to write professional emails and create an excellent reputation among the recipients. Continue reading and learn all the important steps in building a well-performing, successful letter for your target audience.

In case you want to run a successful email marketing campaign for your business but are not sure how to do it on your own, we want to offer you our assistance gladly. IntlTech digital marketing company knows exactly what your company needs to reach new heights and become a leader in your niche. Get in touch and have a free consultation at any comfortable for you time! 

Types of Email Marketing Emails

Types of Email Marketing Emails

When talking about digital marketing, you should understand that every aspect matters for a well-performing campaign. Email marketing works mainly with commercial letters for those who gave you permission to communicate or who can be potentially interested in what you are doing.

There are a few types mostly used for email contacts letters, and below, you may find more info with some useful details about each one.

Promotional emails

It’s a well-known fact that email marketing campaigns are meant for new products promotion, special offers announcements, and other actions that can make people interested in your company. For this type, a thought-through call-to-action (CTA) is a must; by using it, you may make it easier for a potential lead to decide what to do after reading your letter (visit your website and make a purchase, see a webinar, and so on).

The number of emails per one campaign is decided depending on the goals and the occasion it is created for. For example, if you’d like to present special offers for Black Friday, you may send letters every day for a week to remind users about it; during calmer times, one letter biweekly is more than enough in order to follow up but not be annoying.

Informational emails

There are two main types of informational emails used for businesses promotion in online marketing. Let’s have a closer look at each one.

Newsletters. As you may have guessed by the name, the main purpose of newsletters is to share news about important changes in the company. It may be the presentation of new products/services, certain milestones reached, and other valuable content. Depending on your goals, you may choose weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly newsletters to keep in touch with your loyal customers. Don’t forget that letters with valuable information are more appreciated by the recipients;

Announcements. These letters contain details that can be important for customers themselves (for example, changes in services they’ve been using for a long time, shipping delays, contacts updates, etc.). This way of communication is more comfortable than, e.g., phone messages, and it can still match the traditional formal tone.

Main Steps in Writing Letters for Email Marketing Campaigns

If you struggle and don’t know how to start creating emails for digital communication with your customers, this paragraph is meant for you. We prepared an easy step-by-step guide that will be very helpful for every inexperienced person in this sphere out there.

Pick your goals

Before coming up with the information you’d like to present in the letter, it is important to understand why you are writing it in the first place. After identifying the purpose, it will be easier to create a text to support it. For instance, if you want the recipient to get acquainted with a special offer attached as a file, tell about it in more detail, why they should review it, and what type of feedback they can give to you. If you want people to respond, they should understand the benefit they can get from it.

Analyze target audience

The tone of voice is incredibly important when it comes to composing an email letter. In order to know the right style that matches the audience, think about people who are going to receive the message. Have they already interacted with your brand? Are they familiar with your work? Based on that, decide how formal the letter should be, what opening would suit best, and other important factors included in the letter creation process.

Too many words is a bad tactic

As statistics demonstrate, the fast rhythm of modern realities made people to prefer laconic, understandable information sources. That’s why you should keep the email as brief as possible, avoid lengthy texts, and make it easy for people to make the conclusion of what they just read. Proofread and get rid of all irrelevant things, use short sentences, and avoid filler words to make it much easier to understand the main idea.

Proofread the letter

Nothing can affect your reputation more than an email with poor grammar and spelling. If a person receives an email from a company they have never heard about before, their first impression about it will be made based on what they’ve read in the letter. Make sure there are no mistakes in the text, all attachments are included, and don’t forget about the contact information. It would be better to send the text to your colleagues to get some other opinions and recommendations on how to make it even better for users.

Choose proper etiquette

Depending on who the recipient is, it is recommended to choose the correct greeting and closing based on the level of politeness you would like to demonstrate. The time when you are sending the letter should be considered as well. If it is late, or it’s a holiday season/day-off, it is better to wait and send the email during the working hours of the weekday.

Follow-ups are important

Normally, people receive dozens of emails on a daily basis, so it is very easy to lose your letter, among others. That’s why if a person didn’t respond during two-three working days, it is recommended to follow up with them to make sure they saw everything you offered. By the way, this method is effective for gaining customer loyalty and respect because the feeling of their own importance is created in this way (they are not forgotten and ignored, they matter).

A Letter Structure for the Best Email Marketing Strategy

While making a letter for successful campaign performance, it is vital to remember the traditional structure of every business email. It typically contains five main elements and can be adapted individually for every email marketing platform. We are talking about the following aspects:

  • Subject line. Generally speaking, the goal of your letter should be indicated there. Summarize why did you decide to send the email to the recipient, so they know exactly what to expect if they choose to open and read more about offers you included there. For example: “Seasonal discounts start now!“;
  • Greeting. This is the first line you should include in the personal email. For example, “Dear Sir/Madam,“;
  • Body. In this part, your offer should be presented in an easy, understandable form. Include all important information and avoid word spamming to make the text as easy to read as possible. We’d recommend using bullet points to highlight key information. Make sure it is adapted for both mobile devices and computers, so different users would be able to enjoy the well-presented offer from your company;
  • Closing. This is the last line of your email, so you should wrap up your message and even show your expectations considering your future cooperation with a person. You may even leave a coll-to-action to reconnect again in the future if a recipient is interested in cooperation after reading your letter. For example, “I am looking forward to our future cooperation. I’ll leave all contact information below in case you would like to get in touch and discuss everything in more detail.“;
  • Signature. In this final part, you should identify yourself by using your name, title, and some other relative information. Most email automation programs make it possible to create the fixed signature and add it at the end of every sent letter. For instance,


Kate Miller

Senior Sales Manager


Useful Advice from IntlTech Professionals

In addition to all the useful information presented below, we decided to create a list of tips every newcomer in email marketing can use during their first experience of newsletters creation. These are optional during content creation for new subscribers but still, keep it in mind.

  • Purchased lists are not reliable, buying them is a very bad idea. We understand that building the list of potential new customers can be long and challenging; however, in this way, you will be sure that those included in it are 100% interested, so your cooperation will be more productive. Moreover, this action is considered being illegal in some regions, so you’ll probably have troubles because of that too;
  • Always add an unsubscribe link to your letter. If the user is not interested, they should have the choice to unsubscribe from your newsletter. Otherwise, you’ll just end up in the spam folder, which can seriously affect your reputation on the market;
  • Use personalization in your subject lines. If a person’s name is added to the letter, they feel more connected to the sender. This is a trick not so many business owners typically pay attention to, but it surely works great in different marketing channels;
  • Don’t ignore the letter’s design. Most people have a better impression of the letter in general if it is completed with an excellent, well-done design. However, the balance is important here. Don’t add too many images, choose the right size for both mobile and laptop versions, and make sure the quality of the picture is high and it is not pixelated;
  • Send an A/B test email to your colleagues to make sure everything works properly. They can check the spelling and the information presentation as well, so you provide users with the best letters to increase website traffic and drive sales.

The Final Word

Writing emails is not a short process if you want to make them understandable, engaging, and catchy. It includes different steps, the style can vary depending on the recipient, and it is essential to consider all important factors before sending it to users.

We hope that our mini-guide will be useful, and you’ll create your perfect, successful email by using it quickly. And don’t forget, our team is always here in case you need help with this important task. Contact us anytime during the working hours of our team; we are always here to assist. Thank you for reading, and stay safe!


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