An email message is a key to successful business communication. It possesses more power than you can even imagine. However, text for the email newsletter is such a fragile matter, which in the hands of the master can strengthen the customers’ loyalty, bring new business deals, increase sales or just go to spam and sink into oblivion. To have more chances that your email reaches the audience, and people will open and read it, there are seven simple but effective rules, which would help to make the text message for e-mail more attractive and seductive.
1. The Clear Aim of the Message
When creating any mail marketing campaign, there must be some purpose why you are doing this: informing about sales/discounts/promo actions, presenting new products or interesting events, introductory, or informational newsletter. Define it, first of all, for yourself and make it clear for your audience correspondingly. One of the basic mistakes of the business owners, who do their e-mail marketing on their own, and marketers is to cram everything into one letter: useful content, goods, and announcements of new promotions… It does not work this way. People do not have time to read your memoirs.
2. Interesting Subject and Header
They must be short, informative, and interesting, perhaps, a little bit intriguing, making the receiver eager to open the message, but reflecting the general idea. Here are basic recommendations for the attractive and effective subject line:
No caps lock, fervent calls to action, and a lot of exclamation marks;
Use numbers and facts;
Ask questions, but don’t be too obvious;
Don’t write long subjects. Search engines display only a certain number of characters. Test before submitting on different devices to make sure the subject is fully visible.
3. The Most Important – at the Beginning
Share the most interesting and important things with your audience directly in the first lines of your e-mail marketing newsletter. This will save your time and protect people from long, boring, and incomprehensible texts. Perfectly, if you put this information into subject or header, but if for some reason you didn’t, the beginning of the newsletter is just okay. Do not torment the receiver. Otherwise, you risk that he/she will never reach the point where you decided to place discounts, new products, promos, or personal offers.
4. Call to Action
Now, when you have formulated the aim of your bulk e-mail marketing, clearly state what a person has to do: open, click, read, subscribe, buy… This is actually the final goal of the newsletter, and you are honest with your customers when you openly say what you expect from them. Without this section, the message loses its obvious commercial character, and the receiver may not even understand why he/she received it. It may look like you are just wasting his/her time.
5. Adapted Mobile Version
People use smartphones much more frequently than laptops and PC. They check their emails when having lunch or commuting from work. For this reason, it is crucial the text and general format are adapted for mobile devices. Otherwise, the mail marketing campaign would be completely ineffective. Check the email version from different devices to make sure that the text is visible and readable, all graphic elements are in their correct place, the sections preserve their initial division, and the general outlook is attractive. The future belongs to mobile devices, so make sure you keep in pace with time and modern tendencies.
6. The Strict Structure of the Email
The letter must contain a header, body, and footer. The header usually contains the company logo, links to catalog sections, social networks. The body of the letter contains the basic information, the message that you want to convey with your letter. The footer contains company contacts and the “unsubscribe” button. The structure of the text for direct mail marketing is not the space for experiments. Leave your creativity for the next interesting direct mail marketing strategy or engaging texts. This structure is the most effective and convenient for the people, allowing deliver the message and make the text compact.
7. Registered Alt for All Images in the Mailing List
Why is this point so crucial? First of all, it will make sure your mail does not get into spam. Second, a user who has disabled pictures in the mail service can read your message. Very often, pictures, whether these are product photos or simple graphic illustrations, carry an important visual message. When alt is not registered, the receivers cannot see them and may lose all the sense of the email. If this makes any difficult for you, you may hire any of the direct mail marketing companies to do it instead.
8. Bonus Rule
Test and study your audience. All the rules described above are great, and they work. But there is always space for creativity and experiment. There is no universal formula for success, so maybe you will generate your own. If you put enough time and effort into the development of your perfect email newsletter, you have a chance to reach the hearts of your customers, and they will read all your emails. We believe in you and your direct marketing ideas!
As you can see, it’s not that difficult to write the perfect letter. The main thing is to pay attention to detail and think about your reader. In any way, you can always apply for help to professionals and order direct email marketing services. IntlTech is ready to do everything instead of you. Just contact us by the phone number (800) 966-4164 or at
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